Thank you for your patience while we retrieve your images.

THANK YOU Burien Knightz for the opportunity to photo this fun group of athletes. I enjoyed every minute meeting you and photographing your sons and daughters. Much appreciated Coach Dante for your trust. The smiling team picture is included with the Memory Mates along with the individual photos 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17 and 18.

Once you have purchased the photo, the watermark will be removed. Please don't use a watermark photo without purchasing - that's considered stealing. Thank you for supporting your local photographer!

If you would like to schedule an individual sports portrait session, please call or text me at 253.227.3235. Feel free to browse the website for other sports portraits. Again, thank you!
Knights Football (1 of 37)Knights Football (2 of 37)Knights Football (3 of 37)Knights Football (4 of 37)Knights Football (5 of 37)Knights Football (6 of 37)Knights Football (7 of 37)Knights Football (8 of 37)Knights Football (9 of 37)Knights Football (10 of 37)Knights Football (11 of 37)Knights Football (12 of 37)Knights Football (13 of 37)Knights Football (14 of 37)Knights Football (15 of 37)Knights Football (16 of 37)Knights Football (17 of 37)Knights Football (18 of 37)Knights Football (19 of 37)Knights Football (20 of 37)